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Healing Spirit Plants
Healing Spirit Plants: a medicinal plants garden nursery located in Berkeley California, is a manifestation of the realization that plant energies are compassionate:connecting deep within us. Their life force energies invite our bodies and consciousness to harmonize our energies with them, entering us into healing flow. Their very presence invites and facilitates our deepening of inner sensitivity: fine tuning into delicacy. We grow and offer medicinal, useful, and Light energy producing plants from diverse cultures to local San Francisco Bay Area (where these plants can also be successfully grown)residents.
Country United States Region CA, San Francisco Bay area
Sections :Traditional Plant UsesHerbs and Medicinal PlantsDyesLow impact livingSustainable livingPlant SuppliersPlant Suppliers (Organic)Herb/Medicinal Suppliers

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.